The Cobbetts Pond Improvement Association in conjuction with Geosyntec Consultants and the NHDES have been striving to keep Cobbetts Pond beautiful and clean for all to enjoy. Below are two reports that explain in more detail what the condition of Cobbetts Pond was and what is being done to retore it to its previous condition. The first is a report from Geosyntec from 2010 that explains the tests that they did and condition of Cobbetts Pond. The second is what has been done so far to rectify the problems that were found in Geosyntec’s report.
Cobbetts Pond Watershed Restoration Plan
Recent Cobbetts Pond Association Improvents to Water Quality
More information and updates on the project can be viewed by clicking here.
To help keep Cobbett’s Pond looking its best, here are some “do’s and don’ts” for maintaining a healthy lake.
Non-native species can be detrimental to health of Cobbett’s Pond and its native plants and animals. Here is some information on how to protect the waterways from these invasive species.